
Character/Spiritual Goals

For this second semester in 2007, I set three goals that I want to accomplish: being part of God’s family, and developing self-confidence.

The first goal I will accomplish is being part of God’s family. This is not the only goal for this semester; this is for my entire life. However, I want to start this semester. I will be seeking God who is in me. After I find him, he will help me to know how to overcome the difficulty and achieving other goals. Albert Einstein said, “I am convinced that He(God) does not play dice.” (Doc, Childre. "HeartQuotes™: Quotes of the Heart." HeartMath LLC. 2007. 31 Jan 2007 .)
As he said, I think he is saying that God loves everyone who loves themselves. I need to love myself and others so that I can see the right world.
The second goal I will accomplish is improving my self-confidence. I will do this by joining school swimming team. I will do my best when I am swim so I can make improvements and have self-confidence. Sometimes I think I have no talent at all. I’m not good at anything, so I give up. I am accustomed to think like that. Maybe this is time for me to find out what I am good at. As I set this goal, I meant will try my best in the other areas too, not only joining swimming team. “It isn't the mountains ahead that wear you out, it's the grain of sand in your shoe.” ("Wise Sayings." Heart quotes Center. 2007. HeartMath LLC. 31 Jan 2007 .) According to the quote by unknown author, I will try my best to build self-confidence


My Learning Resolutions

My Learning Resolutions

Goal 1: In this semester, I am planning to improve my skill in evaluating own and other’s writing.
Method: I will evaluate by different areas in writings what I wrote or others wrote.

Goal 2: I will be improved in understanding skills of literature language in a novel.
Method: I will ask Ms Johnson to get suggestions of good literary book list and I will choose two of them and read. After reading, I will write a journal entry about my response.

Goal 3: I will be improved in organizing ideas to achieve cohesion in writing.
Method: I will practice brainstorming ideas and organize them in effective way. For example, drawing mind map or writing outline will help me.

Goal 4: I will develop techniques to express a personal style and voice.
Method: I will reflect my opinion in class or to any written assignments to practice my style and voice. During weekends, if possible, I will try writing an essay that shows my viewpoints.

Goal 5: I will be better at using conventions of punctuation in any written compositions.
Method: I will pay more attention to grammar especially when I am using punctuation.

Goal 6: I will be learned how to write research papers.
Method: Whenever teachers are talking about research papers, I will listen carefully. When I write research papers, I may use charts, graphs, or drawings that help to organize ideas and information in research.

Goal 7: I will be excelled at knowing about topic in research, reading, or talking with others. In addition, I will gain strength of selecting details for each topic.
Method: I will be familiar with a note taking skill and attach on research papers, or books about ideas and details. And when I talk with other people, I will remind myself what I am going to talk about.

Goal 8: I will include the overall tone and voice, clarity of meaning in writing.(Sentence fluency)
Method: I will decide what kind of tone and voice, and the meanings I will be using in writing.