
Character/Spiritual Goals

For this second semester in 2007, I set three goals that I want to accomplish: being part of God’s family, and developing self-confidence.

The first goal I will accomplish is being part of God’s family. This is not the only goal for this semester; this is for my entire life. However, I want to start this semester. I will be seeking God who is in me. After I find him, he will help me to know how to overcome the difficulty and achieving other goals. Albert Einstein said, “I am convinced that He(God) does not play dice.” (Doc, Childre. "HeartQuotes™: Quotes of the Heart." HeartMath LLC. 2007. 31 Jan 2007 .)
As he said, I think he is saying that God loves everyone who loves themselves. I need to love myself and others so that I can see the right world.
The second goal I will accomplish is improving my self-confidence. I will do this by joining school swimming team. I will do my best when I am swim so I can make improvements and have self-confidence. Sometimes I think I have no talent at all. I’m not good at anything, so I give up. I am accustomed to think like that. Maybe this is time for me to find out what I am good at. As I set this goal, I meant will try my best in the other areas too, not only joining swimming team. “It isn't the mountains ahead that wear you out, it's the grain of sand in your shoe.” ("Wise Sayings." Heart quotes Center. 2007. HeartMath LLC. 31 Jan 2007 .) According to the quote by unknown author, I will try my best to build self-confidence

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